Dennison was first developed by the construction of a saw mill, by a man
named Hatch, and until the Detroit, Grand Haven & Milwaukee railway was built, was
known as Hatcher Mill.
The first railway in Ottawa County was that now known as the Detroit,
Grand Haven & Milwaukee, built in 1857-8, and which extends from
Detroit to Grand Haven across the Lower Peninsula, connected by a line of
first-class steamers of the Goodrich Transportation Company with Milwaukee,
thus forming one of the quickest routes to the Northwest. The road is 189
miles in length, is prosperous and under excellent management. It was the
beginning of an era of railway progress when the first train entered
Grand Rapids on July 10, 1858, and Grand Haven the same year.
This road enters the county from Grand Rapids in a westerly course,
crossing Wright [Township], in which is Berlin [now Marne] Station; then across Polkton [Township], in
which is Coopersville Station, into Crockery [Township] with Nunica Station; thence
through Spring Lake and Ferrysburg to Grand Haven.
History of Ottawa County, 1882
The point at which Cleveland and State Roads intersect would have been
the center of this old settlement which was about three miles west of
Coopersville. Little remains of Dennison, even the mailing address
changed to Coopersville years ago.
Not much information can be found on the first settlers to locate in
the area. However, it has been known by four different names. In the
beginning the site was called Hatches Mill after a sawmill owner.
Then it was known as Roseville. In 1866, the settlement was given its
first post office under the name "Polkten," but there was
confusion since both Eastmanville and Coopersville had been called
"Polkton" several years earlier. After a few months the
post office name changed to Dennison after T. D. Dennison who had an
interest in the sawmill. The name stayed unofficially with the area
for a long time even after the Dennison post office closed in
October, 1917.
Logging played an important part in the establishment of Dennison.
Some photographs and glass plate negatives survive yet with images of
hard working men and massive timbers. By the 1850's Ezekiel Jewett,
originally from New York, had come to Roseville (Dennison) and
invested in hundreds of acres of timberland for a logging operation.
A lumber camp was built in the settlement.
A most interesting look at life in the camp and Roseville comes through
the words of William Akins who kept a journal when he started work there
in 1854. Akins had come from Berkshire in Tioga County, New York to
find a different life in the new territory. Ezekiel Jewett was also from
the same place.
In the journal Bill Akins tells of working at the sawmill, skidding logs
over snow to the Grand River and measuring stands of trees for their timber.
Here are a few references he makes to his work:
"September 18, 1855 - Brandy Creek full of water and the mill will
run tomorrow." (Water was needed for operating the sawmill.)
"September 18, 1855 - Been to work cutting logs with Robert M. Hale
for the past week by the thousand feet - fifty cents for 1,000.
Earned over $8.00 this week besides paying $2.25 for board."
"December 27, 1855 - Very tedious weather for the past week, snowed
everyday in it. If more comes it will bring money to me for Damions
lumber will be drawn to the river and out pay will come forthwith. Mine
will amount to $150.00 at this time and perhaps double of that in the
spring..." (After enough snow had accumulated, logs easily could be
skidded over the countryside to the river for eventual transport.)
Bill Akins often wrote about the weather conditions in Roseville. Here
is one description:
"December 12, 1855 - Rained and the wind blew last night to the tune
of Devils Dream which made the trees wave and wail mournfully, their tall
trunks bent over the house like engines for mortality and now snows and rains
like distress...continues to snow very hard."
Many times Akins speaks of being idle in camp while waiting for weather
conditions to break so work could resume. Often there was a wait for
enough water to operate the sawmill. Here are some entries about his
leisure times:
"November 15, 1855 - Another idle day. Rained all last night and
continues to do so some yet. Raining like torrents at present - mud
nearly knee deep most all over Roseville. The (mill) engineer has
got the engine all tore down and it will take another day to get the
thing up again...went down to Jewetts this morning and played the
fiddle some."
"November 15, 1855 - In the afternoon yesterday called on neighbor
Hanchett - had a great time talking over old affairs - played the
accordion & flute some. The borrowed H. Clinton's rifle and went
"November 26, 1855 - Had a regular Roseville brindle, fiddled and
In cold weather, Bill Akins said that he placed a board high in the house
by the stove pipe (probably in the camp sleeping quarters) and sat on it
to keep warm and comfortable while doing his writing. He often mentioned
going to Eastmanville to check for mail. He was acquainted with the Eastmans
and was trying to get a job at the sawmill there. He tells of having
glasses of Detroit Ale in Eastmanville. Akins speaks of going to the
Roseville Saloon with his friends. At Christmastime he attended a party
in Wright.
Meals at camp were important and are often described. An August 5, 1855
journal entry says the Akins had a supper of "boiled venison &
pork and how sweet cake, raw onions..." That same evening after a
church meeting, he then had "bread & milk and cookies."
On March 15, 1857 he "breakfasted on pork and tater, coffee &
nutcakes." The other foods he mentioned at various times include
blueberries, tomato soup, venison steak, potatoes, stewed vension,
flapjacks and blackberries. Medicines he useed were a
"bottle of bitters" and epson salts.
Bill Akins attended church services occasionally. He spoke of going to
hear Elder Wood preach at the F. D. Marshall home. The house would be on
Cleveland by 72nd Avenue.
At times he seemed to suffer from the ague so common in early days. He
would have a fever and chills and a headache.
One journal entry gave an account of an excursion he took to Grand Rapids:
"November 15, 1855 - Went to the Rapids 2 or 3 weeks ago. Rode the
steamboat Empire and came back on the Olive Branch. Nothing singular about
Grand Rapids except that it lies...up on the side of a sandy...hill
descending to the west..."
Apparently Bill Akins wasn't very impressed with Grand Rapids. Its
population in 1850 had been about 2,500 which was sizeable for those times.
He went to Eastmanville to catch the riverboat going to Grand Rapids.
Akins mentions a number of people in his writing. A few of their
descendants remain yet in the area. Names found in his journal include:
Fred Marshall, Mr. Hatch, Titus Merritt, Ezekiel Jewett, Thomas Davis,
Charles Brown, Henry Lawton, Wm. Swatman, Geo. Wolaver, Ira Russel (from
Wright), Wm. F & Samuel Mott, Michael Haley, Leeander Brown, Michael
McGrath, Mr. McCuin, Mark Richards, Norman Richards, David W. Richards,
Mr. Hanchett, Y. C. Haskins, Mr. Twogood, Herb Titus, E. Brooks, Robert M.
Hale, H. Parks, John Williams, Tom McCarthy, Samuel Barkins, Henry Clinton,
Charles Chadwick, Judge Waters, Geo. Cahoon, A. Bigalow, F. Tubbs,
Mary Ann Durphy, John Vanallsburg, Agostina D. Sickles, Charles Wilkinson,
Thomas Calahan, Martin Culligan, Charles Hudson, Edward Carpenter, Sidney
Lawrence, Joseph Brown and Mrs. Chidwick.
The railroad which was going through Coopersville was coming to Dennison,
also. On January 4, 1857 Bill Akins wrote this comment on the situation:
"But they are going to have a railroad running by here by and by
and then we think molasses will be cheaper than now. Then bread will
be softer."
The countryside's atmosphere is reflected in a wonderful way as Bill Akins
writes of a walk down State Road on August 7, 1855:
"After going out and pacing down the State Road thirty rods and back,
among logs, lumber, pine stumps, and hearing the dingle of cow bells, the
screech of hoot owls, on coming in (I) find that the man servant and the
maid servant had just returned from a visit to neighbor Twogoods, had by
the man servant brought in a deer, the maid a pail of onions and
When the railroad came through Dennison in 1858, logs were shipped on
the train. It seemed that logging was such an active industry in Dennison,
but by 1882 the logging and sawmill operation ended. Under Dennison news
in the May 25, 1882 Observer, it was reported that the sawmill was being
moved to Torch Lake (Traverse City) and "Dennison will boom no
Dennison, however, continued for quite some time. Other small logging
operations took place in the area and around Coopersville. The Grand
Rapids, Grand Haven and Muskegon Railway came through Dennison and
Coopersville in 1902. This was an electric railroad wich ran every hour
many times a day. It offered very convenient passenger travel and some
freight was hauled, too. The line operated until 1928.
St. Michael's Church had also been organized. Services were held in
homes until the first building was constructed. It was dedicated in 1888.
Early members of the parish included the following Dennison area families:
the Glyns, McCues, Malones, Goldens, Fitzpatricks, Culligans, McCarthys,
McGraths, Haleys, Brinnens, Cavanaughs, Hobans, Higens, Calahans,
Sullivans, Harts, Carpenters, Conleys, Stapletons, Zimmers, Balduses,
Hehls, McNeurneys and Roaches.
During the 1880's Mr. Spicer T. McLellan is mentioned in the Dennison news
section of the Coopersville Observer newspaper. He operated the general
store and was Dennison postmaster and railroad ticket agent. An 1882
Observer article tells of the railroad "General Ticket Inspector"
coming on a surprise visit to his establishment to check on his handling of
affairs. The agent was very pleased with McLellan's manner and accurate
work. In 1891 Mr. McLellan passed away from an illness.
His daughter, Miss Susie McLelland, was the subject of a July, 1900
Observer article. She had been the paper's Dennison correspondent for
some time but was moving to Grand Rapids on advice from her doctor
so she could recover from ill health. Miss McLellan had the best wishes
of hundreds of friends for her complete recovery. She was very well known.
The article said that she had run the Dennison country store and had acted
as postmistress and railroad ticket agent. The area people hoped that she
would return soon.
n the October 8, 1886 Observer (which carried the story on Spicer McLellan
visited by the Ticket Inspector), the Haysteads of Dennison are mentioned.
John Haystead was visiting his sister in Antrim County. George Haystead
"raised his barn Saturday." H. H. McCarty was the builder. The
Haystead family had been a part of the area for a long time. Harry
Haystead once ran the welding shop. An ad for it was found in a 1931
Observer issue.
Dennison even had its own photographers. Many area people and places were
photographed by Peter and his brother Jake Venema along with one of the
Culligans in the early 1900's. They sold prints and photo postcards which
were popular at the time. Their work also showed scenes of farming and
Jake Venema's son, Al, operated Venema's Used Cars in more recent times.
This business was on the corner of Cleveland and 88th Avenue until Al's
passing just a few years ago. The car lot seemed to be a fixture of the
rural area in modern times.
A storeowner whose story has been told many times is Martin Golden. His
home and store were on State Road just north of the welding shop on
Cleveland. Only the home remains now. Late in the day around 1907 while
closing the store, Mr. Golden was robbed and fatally shot. The guilty
person probably fled on the train.
In later years another general store was owned by Ed Bekins. Cliff Veldman
operated a "peddle wagon" for it. Mr. Veldman would take this
vehicle through the countryside selling groceries and other store items.
Mr. Bekins later owned the Coopersville Livestock Auction which was
continued for a number of years by his son Don. Harvey Veeneman operated
the general store after Ed Bekins.
The Winters Gas Station was another well known place in the Dennison area
with the coming of more automobile travel.
Activity slowed in Dennison by the mid-1900's. When the I-96 Expressway
came through in the 1960's, it brought more decline. Much traffic had
been taken away. Before the expressway, the roadway through Dennison,
which was called the old Dixie Highway - US 26 was a main route to
Grand Haven, Fruitport and Muskegon. Today many people do not realize
that this rural Coopersville area has had such an existence of its own.
Chronicles of Coopersville
From the August 26, 2013 edition of the
Grand Haven Tribune:
Did judge free a murderer?
It has been more than a century since Martin C. Golden, a popular Dennison general store keeper, was gunned down after closing up shop.
Kevin Collier
Aug 26, 2013
That was on the night of April 23, 1906.
A year later, authorities arrested William Shimmel, a Muskegon factory
worker employed with Continental Motors, for the murder. Shimmel went
on trial in 1907.
Shimmel was actually tried for the murder twice.
The first trial in June 1907 resulted in a hung jury with no
verdict. Shimmel was retried that November.
It was the second trial that determined Shimmel's fate.
In the deciding trial, Judge Philip Padghan rejected a motion from defense
attorney Willard Turner Sr. for a direct verdict of not guilty, placing
the decision entirely in the hands of the jury. Padghan was convinced
that the lack of evidence was so clear that there would be no conviction.
When the jury returned with a verdict of guilty, Padghan was stunned.
Thus, the judge set the verdict aside, and Shimmel was acquitted and set free.
It's always been a mystery whether or not the judge released Golden's
killer, or released an innocent man. And, if Shimmel was not guilty,
then who was? Someone had gotten away with murder.
Martin C. Golden was born June 16, 1870, close to Dennison, a small town
not far from Nunica. He lived most of his life in Polkton Township and was
a teacher in Ottawa County schools for several years, which included two
years at Coopersville High School. At the time of his death, Golden owned
and operated the town's general store, and also served as its postmaster.
The Grand Haven Tribune reported, .The murder of Golden was one of the most dastardly in the criminal annals of this, or any other county..
Golden, just shy of 36 years old at the time, had just locked up his
general store, concluding a day of business, and headed down the boardwalk
to his home. An unknown assailant approached him, shooting him twice. The
gunman stole about $100 in currency, some checks, a wristwatch and a
bag of coins from the victim, and fled.
Ed McCarthy and his cousin, Tom, were standing outdoors in front of
their home, no more than 200 yards away, when the shots rang out. As they
approached in the direction of the sound, a shadowy man ran past them,
gun in hand.
Spotting Golden laying on the boardwalk, the two did not pursue the
gunman, and rushed to his aid. Golden died from his wounds the following
day: April 24, 1906.
Weeks after the crime, a cap, pocketbook and gun were discovered hidden
behind a log on the property of Emerson Averill, also of Dennison.
After the trial, the Grand Haven Tribune published an editorial on
Nov. 15, 1907, defending the judge's decision to set Shimmel free. It
read: "Judge Padghan's stand in the Shimmel case ... meets with the
approval of 99 out of 100 people in Ottawa County, and his firm position
is to be commended."
William Shimmel, who was in his late 40s when he became the focal point
of the infamous murder, lived to a ripe old age. His obituary, carried
by The Associated Press, was published in several Michigan newspapers
on Nov. 24, 1936. It read: "William Shimmel, 77 years old, 157 Ottawa
St., whose funeral is to be conducted here tomorrow at 2 p.m. from the
Sytsema Funeral Home with burial at Ravenna, once figured prominently
in the headlines for the part he played in the celebrated Martin Golden
murder case in Ottawa County."
The article also noted evidence was circumstantial and the judge had
set Shimmel free.
What the obituary failed to mention was that William Shimmel was sent
to the Traverse City State Hospital in 1936, after going to jail for
assaulting his wife with an ax. He died at the State Hospital that
same year.
James Fitzpatrick thinks that Shimmel was likely the killer of his great
uncle Martin C. Golden, but commented that the circumstantial evidence
was not enough to convict the man.
Golden's home still stands in Dennison and has changed hands many times
over the past 100 years.
What hasn't changed is the historical question: Was a killer set free?
The population of Dennison in 1884 was 20.
The Postmaster at Dennison Post Office in 1892 was Susan McLellan.
These are the names of each permanent male resident in Dennsion circa 1892.
Occupation for each of them is "farmer" unless noted in square brackets.
Amos, Jacob
Beers, W.J.
Bush, John
Brennan, John
Brown, John
Cooney, John
Chase, Levi
Culligan, Martin
Creager, Jacob
Dimmock, C.W.
De Smith, A.A.
De Smith, A.D.
Fletcher, Peter
Fitzpatrick, James
Gates, Lewis
Golden, Dennis
Glinn, James
Golden, Patrick Sr.
Golden, Patrick Jr.
Golden, Thomas
Geddis, Thomas
Glinn, Patrick
Glinn, Michael
Gremaquet, Henry
Golden, Martin
Hoystead, George
Hillard, Benjamin
Harvey, Albert
Hofmyer, Geert
Lawrence, Ed
Lake, A.B.
Lillie, George A.
Malone, Thomas E Jr. [saloon keeper]
McLellan, S.C.
McLellan, S.F.
McLellan, S.W.
Malone, Thomas
McGrath, M.
Michael, Dennis
Malone, Patrick
McCue, Michael
Munger, Wilson
Malone, Michael
Maloney, James
McLellan, Susan A. [postmistress, general store]
Nipe, Jacob
Newman, Charles
Parkins, Wm.
Pierce, C.L.
Richards, C.W.
Seymour, Virgil
Stapleton, Michael
Swafink, Arie
Scutcheon, Henry
Shafer, C.F.
Sheers, C.L.
Taylor, George H. [carpenter]
Turner, Philip
Taylor, George
Timmerman, Daniel
Timmerman, H.C.
Taylor, Hoyt
Titus, Jasper
Twogood, George
Twogood, Thomas
Twogood, Hiram
Vashall, Cornelius
Vashall, Joseph
Woodman, Henry
Wilton, W.J.
Wilton, Bristol
White, H.L.
White, Fred
Yerden, Frank
Historical and Business Compendium of Ottawa County, Michigan, 1892
In 1918-1919, Michigan Trunk Line M-16 went through Coopersville via
Randall Street, then northwesterly on State Road to Cleveland Street.
From this intersection, M-16 continued on Cleveland Street westerly
through Nunica to Spring Lake and Ferrysburg.
In 1926, all of M-16 is redesignated US-16.
In 1957, about 8.5 miles of U new US-16 freeway are completed from the
west side of Coopersville (present-day Exit 16) to just east of Marne
(present-day Exit 24), just to the south of Coopersville. From the west
end of the new freeway segment west of Coopersville to 40th Avenue just
east of Coopersville, the former route along Randall Street and Ironwood
Drive is turned back to local control.
In 1962, about 16 miles of new US-16 freeway, also designated as I-196,
are opened to traffic from US-31 southeast of Muskegon to the western end
of the existing freeway segment on the west side of Coopersville. The
former route of US-16 along Cleveland Street and State Road is turned
back to local control.
In 1963, the designations for I-196 and I-96 are flipped: the freeway segment
from Grand Rapids to Muskegon became I-96 and the freeway segment from
Grand Rapids towards Holland became I-196.
A flag station on the Detroit, Grand Haven and Muskegon
Railway, 12 miles east of Grand Haven.
It is in Polkton township, Ottawa county.
A good farming country.
Lumber, staves, butter and hay are the leading shipments.
Settled 1849.
Marcus W. Carr, postmaster.
Carr & Barrett, general store
Johnson & Graham, saw mill
Streeter Mrs Eliza, grocer
Treyloir J, blacksmith
Michigan State Gazetteer and Business Directory, 1875
A postoffice and station on the
station on the Detroit and Muskegon Railway,
13 miles east of Grand Haven and 18 west of Grand Rapids.
It is in Polkton township, Ottawa county.
Surrounding country agricultural.
Oak lumber, staves and tanbark, with grain, hay and butter,
are shipped.
Settled, 1850.
Population, 60.
Mail, daily.
S. T. McLellan, postmaster.
Johnson & Graham, saw mill
McCarty H H, carpenter
McCarty John A, wagonmaker
McLellan S T, General Store and Station Agent
Treyloir John, blacksmith
Michigan state gazetteer, 1877
Dating as a settlement from 1850, is in Polkton township,
Ottawa county, and a
station on the Detroit, Grand Haven and Muskegon Railway,
13 miles east of Grand Haven and 18 west of Grand Rapids.
Oak lumber, staves and tanbark, with grain, hay and butter,
are shipped.
Population, 60.
Mail, daily.
S. T. McLellan, postmaster.
Kelley & McCarty, saw mill
McLellan S T, General Store and Station Agent
McCarty H H, carpenter
McCarty John A, wagonmaker
Michigan state gazetteer, 1879
A post office and station on the Detroit, Grand Haven and Muskegon
Railway, in Polkton Township, Ottawa County, 18 miles east of
Grand Haven. The place dates its settlement from 1850, and is the
location of a steam saw-mill, a hoop factory and a country store.
Hemlock bark, hardwood lumber, staves and some farm products are
shipped. Farming lands of varying quality command from $10 to $70
per acre. Population, 70. Mail, daily. S. T. McLellan, postmaster.
Gildersleeve F, cigar maker
Hull George, wagonmaker
Hull William, lumber manufacturer
Lyman & Hull, barrel hoop manufacturers
McLellan S T, General Store
Pool David, blacksmith
Michigan State Gazetteer and Business Directory, 1881
A post office and station on the Detroit, Grand Haven and Muskegon
Railway, in Polkton Township, Ottawa County, 18 miles east of
Grand Haven.
Hemlock bark, hardwood lumber, staves and some farm products are
shipped. Farming lands of varying quality command from $10 to $70
per acre. Population, 70. Mail, daily. S. T. McLellan, postmaster.
Leymore T A, wagon shop
McLellan S T, Railroad Agent and General Store
Tuergood Parker, blacksmith
Michigan State Gazetteer and Business Directory, 1883
A postoffice and station on the Detroit, Grand Haven and Muskegon Railway,
in Polkton township, Ottawa county,
13 miles east of Grand Haven.
Bank at Coopersville.
Population, 70.
Mail, daily.
S. T. McLellan, postmaster.
Dark Frank, laborer
Green David, musician
McLellan Spicer T, General Store and Railroad Agent
Richards Mark, justice of the peace
Twogood Parlez, blacksmith
Michigan state gazetteer, 1887
A postoffice and station on the Detroit, Grand Haven and Muskegon Railway,
in Polkton township, Ottawa county,
13 miles east of Grand Haven, the seat of justice and 3 from Coopersville,
the nearest banking point.
Has a Catholic church.
Population, 50.
Mail, daily.
Express and Am.
S. T. McLellan, postmaster.
Coon Lewis, shoemaker
Cooney John, justice of the peace
McLellan Spicer T, General Store and Railroad Agent
Plews Jesse, blacksmith
Michigan state gazetteer, 1891
Population, 50. On the Detroit, Grand Haven and Muskegon Railway,
in Polkton township, Ottawa county,
12 miles east of Grand Haven, the seat of justice, and 3 from Coopersville,
the nearest bank location. Population 50. Mail, daily.
Susie A. McLellan, postmaster.
Cooney John, justice of peace
McLellan Miss Susie A, General Store and R R Agent
Michigan state gazetteer, 1893-1894
Population, 50. On the Detroit, Grand Haven and Muskegon Railway,
in Polkton township, Ottawa county,
13 miles east of Grand Haven, the county seat and 3 from Coopersville,
the nearest bank location. Express and Am.
Miss S. A. McLellan, postmaster.
Cooney John, justice of the peace
McLellan Miss Susie A, General Store and Railroad Agent
Michigan state gazetteer, 1897
Population, 50. On the Grand Trunk Railway System,
in Polkton township, Ottawa county,
13 miles east of Grand Haven, the county seat and 3 from Coopersville,
the nearest bank location. Express and
National Telephone connection. F. D. Nichols, postmaster.
Cooney John, justice of the peace
Nicholas F D, General Store, Music Teacher, Railroad and Express Agent
Michigan state gazetteer, 1903-1904
Population, 50. On the Grand Trunk Railway System,
in Polkton township, Ottawa county,
13 miles east of Grand Haven, the county seat and 3 from Coopersville,
the nearest bank location. Express and
National Telephone connection. L. W. Moore, postmaster.
Lawrence Ed, justice of the peace
Michigan Dairy Farms Co-Operative Creamery
Moore L W, General Store
Michigan state gazetteer, 1907-1908
Population, 60. On the Grand Trunk Railway System and Grand Rapids,
Grand Haven and Muskegon Interurban, in Polkton township, Ottawa county,
13 miles east of Grand Haven the judicial seat and 3 from Coopersville
the nearest bank location from whence is rural delivery. Express and
telephone connection.
Bekins Ed, general store
Peck Louis H, coal, feed and tile
Welton George A, general store
Michigan state gazetteer, 1921-1922